Annual Show
The 37th Annual Show! July 11th-13th, 2025.
Mark your calendars!
DC Shankel with his tractor train.
Admission: $5 Adults -- weekend pass $10, Senior (62 and older) $4 on Friday, 14 and under free with an adult.
Click here for directions to the show.
Schedule of Events:
8am - 6pm Set-up all day
6pm Potluck Dinner - Meat provided (exhibitors, vendors, and club members) bring a dish to pass. prizes to give away at the drawing this evening.
7am Food wagon opens for breakfast & open all day for lunch & supper
9am Show opens
10:00am Flag Raising
10:15am Farm equipment demonstration, Small engine & equipment fire up. Blacksmithing all day
11am Threshing
11am Food wagon lunch menu
12:00 noon parade of machinery
1:00pm all antique engines will be running
2pm See the club owned 25 Superior engine running
3pm Grist Grinding, Corn Shelling, wood cutting, shingle mill, Shingle branding, all engines running
4pm Saw mill demonstration
5pm Garden Tractor Pull Registration
6pm Garden Tractor Pull
6pm Food wagon dinner menu
8pm Food wagon closes
7am Food wagon opens for breakfast & open all day for lunch & supper
9am Show opens
10am Flag Raising
10:15am Farm equipment demonstration, Small engine & equipment fire up. Blacksmithing begins
10am Children's activities
10:15am Transfer Sled Tractor Pull Registration with 2 Cyl Club
10:30am Kiddy Pull registration
11am Kiddy Pull - pedal tractor
11am Food wagon lunch menu
11am Thrashing Demonstration
Noon Parade of Machinery
Noon Transfer Sled Tractor Pull - Following Parade of Machinery
1pm - 5pm Spinning Wheel Demonstration
1pm - 5pm Table Loom Weaving Demonstration
3pm Grist Grinding, Corn Shelling, wood cutting, shingle mill, Shingle branding, all engines fire up
3:30pm Sawmill Demonstration
3:30pm Kids Activities
4pm Kiddie Tractor Pull Registration
4:30pm Kiddie Tractor Pull
5-7pm Live music
6pm Food wagon dinner menu
8pm Food wagon closes
7am Food wagon opens
8:30am Worship service
9am Show opens
10am Flag raising
10am Grist Grinding, Corn Shelling, wood cutting, shingle mill, Shingle branding, all engines fire up. Blacksmithing begins
10am Teaching simple quilting for kids. Kids take home what they make - no fee.
10:30 Kids Activities
11am Thrashing Demonstration
11am Food wagon lunch menu
11am Dead Weight Tractor Pull Registration
11am Kiddie Tractor Pull registration
11:30am Kiddie Tractor Pull
Noon Parade of Machinery
Noon Dead Weight Tractor Pull - Following Parade of Machinery
2pm Raffle Drawing
2pm Grist Grinding, Corn Shelling, Wood Cutting, Shingle Mill, Shingle Branding, all engines fire up, Saw Mill Demo
2pm Food wagon closes
4pm Show closes
Vendor set-up will be Thursday, July 10th. For more info visit the vendor page.
Machinery Parade at noon each day
Flea Market